Five T-shirts, one sweater, one sweatshirt and a pair of safety boots – so far, all Zalando employees in Mönchengladbach have received a new set of this workwear every year. But that is all set to change. Many of them will have accumulated quite a few items of work clothes by now, not all of which is really needed. Because we want to conserve resources and become more sustainable, Zalando Mönchengladbach and the Works Council from the logistics center agreed to only issue new workwear every two years instead of annually.
“We would like to reduce our consumption and raise awareness of sustainability,” says Sarah, Team Assistant, who helps oversee this area in Mönchengladbach with Department Head Markus. All Zalando employees there now have the opportunity to voluntarily waive their entitlement to individual items of clothing or the entire workwear set, with the “sole” exception of safety boots. “We will continue to issue new boots every year,” Sarah explains. “We walk around so much that our footwear soon wears out.”
For every item of clothing the employees pass up, they will receive points that can be exchanged in the Boutique. The Boutique is the store where the employees get their work clothes and accessories like belts or caps. Those who go without an entire workwear set can choose to receive points or donate a tree to the local public forest in Mönchengladbach. In this way, everyone in the logistics center can contribute to making their city a little greener.
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